What is the cost to float?

Single Float Session: $75


One Float per Month Membership: $49

$49 One Float/Month

• Buy Additional Floats for $45 each

• Membership is Shareable

• Float Credits Expire in 180 days

• Call, text or email to cancel or pause your membership at anytime

Please give us a shout with any questions!

There are a couple of benefits that we sometimes forget to mention…with a monthly membership, you are welcome to:

  • Bring a guest at your membership rate.
  • Give a gift cards at your rate.
  • Floats roll over to the next month and accumulate up to 6 floats.
  • You must be an ACTIVE MEMBER to use float credits
  • Cancel or pause anytime

We love our Members!


It is very important to us that everyone has flotation available to them and the cost to float is as approachable as floating itself. We also understand and encourage folks to find a gym that’s right for them or a yoga studio that they like and too always stay hydrated. So hopefully our membership pricing makes the cost to float accessible to everyone without having to give up something else that contributes to your well being.

There are a number of healthy lifestyle practices out there and we cannot stress this enough, we genuinely encourage anyone looking to live an improved life to find some good practices that work for them. We definitely realize that flotation is not for everyone, but we do not want the cost to float to keep anyone from experiencing a float tank.

Floating is an amazing practice, and floating regularly can make a real positive impact; we believe a balanced lifestyle includes floating.

If you know someone that you think could benefit from floating, but just can’t swing it, please email [email protected] and he will email a gift card to you to give to them to float for free.

If you know someone that seems like they could use more than just a float, please act immediately and call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


Take it Easy